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UMITO NARIWAI Workshop – Sensho Region, Hokkaido Part 2

UMITO NARIWAI Workshop – Sensho Region, Hokkaido Part 2

About UMITO NARIWAI Workshops 

UMITO Partners organizes customized workshops for fishers and fisheries cooperative association staff, aiming to achieve sustainable fisheries from both the perspectives of nurturing marine resources and supporting the livelihoods (“nariwai” in Japanese) of fishing communities. Workshop participants learn about examples of sustainable fishery practices and, through group work facilitated by UMITO Partners staff, take an objective look at their own local fishing industry and uncover explicit challenges their region faces. Participating fishers are provided opportunities to brainstorm together potential initiatives that can be taken within their own fishery communities to ensure a thriving ocean and a sustainable fishery livelihood.

Continuing from Part 1, fishers and staff from 3 fisheries cooperative associations in the Senshi region of Hokkaido (Hamanaka, Akkeshi, Konbumori) gathered for Part 2 of UMITO NARIWAI workshop on January 14, 2023.


  1. Recap of Part 1
  2. Growing global demand of seaweed (I.e. blue carbon, diverse utilization and distribution)
  3. Prioritization of challenges and necessary actions from Part 1
  4. Identifying necessary key resources for problem solving
PARTNER Kushiro Branch, Hokkaido Federation of Fisheries Cooperative Associations
Hamanaka Fisheries Cooperative Association
Akkeshi Fisheries Cooperative Association
Konbumori Fisheries Cooperative Association


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